
臉書解密  用戶使用率有助預測離婚率

Anne Miller/Ozy@ozy9:00 AM ET



老婆在玩了幾個小時的臉書之後,今天「又再一次」晚睡?或者,覺得老公關心推特 (Twitter) 更甚於妳?兩性專家解釋,妳的直覺可能真的!根據波士頓大學一項新的研究指出,其中一方對社群網站成癮的夫妻,婚姻雖然仍未到分手之際,但兩人的關係卻可能早已走往「步步為營」的路上。






不管研究結果如何,重要的是要相信您的直覺!那天你若發現你的另一伴黏著 Instagram 更甚於黏你的時候,你們雙方或許就應該在其中一方決定結束這段關係之前,審慎地評彼此之間的關係。


Your Facebook Habits Can Help Predict If You’ll Get a DivorceAnne Miller/Ozy@ozy9:00 AM ET

Because Facebook and other social media may not be harmless time-killers after all. Your love life may be on the line

This post originally appeared on   

Your wife comes to bed late — again — after spending hours on Facebook. Maybe you feel like your husband is more focused on Twitter than you. Here’s a pro tip: You’re not imagining it. Your relationship really could be headed for rocky shores, if not splitsville, according to a new study from 
Boston University

Researchers found that, in general, 32 percent of heavy Facebook users consider leaving their spouse. Facebook in particular is “a positive, significant predictor of divorce rate and spousal troubles,” it notes.

Of course, there are some limits to this finding — it’s all about correlation. But the study’s authors feel they’re noticing something that’s genuinely statistically significant. As usage of the social media site rose across 43 states, they found that a 20 percent bump in Facebook use equated with a greater-than-2 percent bump in divorce rates between 2008 and 2010.

The authors of the study suggest men and women troubled by their marriage may turn to social media for emotional support.

Researchers looked at numbers from Texas, specifically, and found the larger correlation was true there, too. Among non-social media users, about 16 percent pondered leaving their mates at some point. Social media users doubled that number.

While previous studies suggested that Facebook and its ilk make it easier for people to 
cheat on their spouses, the authors of the new study suggest that men and women troubled by their marriage may turn to social media for emotional support (as opposed to just looking for a little somethin’ on the side).

Data aside, the message is to trust your gut: If your sweetheart seems more attached to Instagram than to you, it’s probably time to take stock of your relationship — before one of you is tweeting that it’s over.

Your Facebook Habits Can Help Predict If You’ll Get a Divorce

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